Is Digital Media Our Downfall?
Digital Media
Digital Media has been very controversial in history. Digital media is a way public historians can display/animate their research/findings. The information is accessible through technology, so it can be accessible and preserve history.

This is a picture showing how the digital media process works/was developed .This image shows how history/information is digitized.Image from SGL Rotec
Problems of Digital Media
Digital media is a good tool to have around, but at the same time, it can cause errors and issues. Digital media can’t always be reliable and be around. Technology crashes and information in a public database can always change. Also, information/Digital media might not be accessible to all so defeats the purpose of digital media. According to the reading by Andrew Hurley, he said “Low rates of computer usage and Internet connectivity among low-income populations and the elderly gave cultural institutions and mass constituency organizations pause about adopting aggressive digital communication strategies.”(Hurley, Andrew, Pg 71)He goes on to say this because even tho Digital media is a useful tool there are flaws in the cracks. Lower-income people might not have the same opportunities as someone higher class, the lower-class research would be limited due to information being online. Also, a lot of people are still trying to become tech savvy so they might not have all the knowledge to navigate the digital media.
Digital Media has allowed information to be accessible to our fingertips. Digital media holds a vault for History. History is added in this format to relate more to people through illustrations/animations and also share history with all ethnic groups and everyone all over the world. Andrew says “The uncensored, open-access realm of cyberspace has been touted as an exemplary venue for democratic civic engagement, making it a tantalizing locus of historical.”(Hurley, Andrew, Pg 71)He is saying that with the expansion of digital media, there is much engagement within the Community and allowing history to spread properly The article goes on to talk about two historians who used Digital media and started the growth of digital media. “Two historians and an architect at the University of Missouri–St. Louis (UMSL) launched the Virtual City Project ( in 1999 Speedier microprocessors continued to improve personal computer graphic displays, heightening consumer expectations for visual splendor and realism.”(Hurley, Andrew, Pg73)
Overall useage
Digital media in my opinion is a great tool to help us further learn, preserve history, and become engaged. I feel with anything there are going to be issues but you have to look at the overall good that Digital Media brings. In 2025 almost everything will be virtual and having digital media will help generations to easily learn their history. These public history figures have a way of displaying their findings to the public and being heard. So, Digital media isn’t our downfall it’s building our communities, knowledge, and history.