The Archivists Mission!

Purpose Of Archivist

An archivist is a person/historian who keeps track of historical records and files and allows the public to access these records. In a post by Sam Winn, she said, “We as archivists are individual practitioners called upon to distill the historic record through the inescapable lens of our personal worldviews”(Sam Winn). Archivists are supposed to be trusted individuals who are honest regarding historical records. Some people would change or alter the information, but an archivist’s mission is supposed to relay the truth to different groups of people.


An unidentified man standing next to the book stacks [Photograph by Unknown photographer, 2021]
An unidentified man standing next to the book stacks [Photograph by Unknown photographer, 2021]

An Archivists at work

Effects on History

Archivists play an important role in our history. They are the ones who are supposed to gather and keep the information safe and share it with the public. If archivists fail to keep the truth of the history or misplace/overlook a document, it could cause many problems in society. If information is lost or changed history will not be truthful, and you are left wondering again. “Michelle Caswell draws our attention to the phenomenon of “symbolic annihilation in archives, the process by which archivists contribute to the omission or erasure of historically marginalized groups in the archives (Sam Winn).” This is happening right now in the archives. information is being tampered with, and history is not being withheld. Also, archivists have to display/perform history to the public, this means that the history they receive, they have to find a way to reach their audience and share the information in a way that’s going to be heard. ‘If archivists have any hope of contributing to a radically inclusive historical record, we must make a fundamental change (Sam Winn).” Archivists can’t lose sight of the people/society groups, you must have diverse information and be able to relay that to inclusive groups. Archivists are part of history’s foundation. Without archivists, much history would be lost, so their diligence in keeping information, etc, is allowing our history to continue to grow and not get lost over the decades. 


In my opinion having an Archivist is needed for so many reasons. Over the years, when we lacked an Archivist, we had to scrape up the information and really have to uncover the truth, but now that our documents are being kept safe, we can expand our history without any worries. As time goes on, we can still look back fifty years ago and still gather history about out cultural, family etc. I feel if we didn’t have these people to keep our record, all the history weve learned so far would’ve been made up or a false narrative because there isn’t any evidence/truth behind anything. The role of an archivist is a big one; without them, we wouldn’t be knowledgeable on many topics. 


Winn, Sam.”The Hurbis Of Neutrality in Archives.”Apr 24, 2017.