Power Of Politics!

Politics in the community 

Politics plays many roles in the foundation of black history and brings the community together.Politicians/public historians use politics to uncover and spread history.

Public Historian

These are some black historians/activist who are protection on the behalf of two black lawmakers wrongfully losing their job in Tennessee.This is a positive example of how proper activism works .(Washingtonpost.com)


Politics role in public history 

The impact politics has on history is always going to be there because history falls back to morals and peoples viewpoints. Public history goes against regular norms.These people research the information that matters that white supremacy  shuts down. According to the article, as “pro-Trump insurgents overtook the United States Capitol Building in an attempt to overturn the results of a presidential election”(Murphy&Owens,pg139) this is politics, but it’s important because the effects of these political actions can cause effects that will last through generations impacting/creating history. The result could be good or bad but public history explores those theories/figures out what happens in history.


Engaging in activism 

 Politicians engage in activism just in a more professional setting. All politicians fight for what they believe in; it’s just a different type of fight. Politicians still have a reputation to uphold.The article says “African American park ranger Donel Singleton has suggested that “white organizations need to publicly apologize to African Americans as a form of repara-tions for the ways that historical sites embraced white supremacy in the past.”(Murphy&Owens,pg146) This is politicians getting involved.They Can’t riot and protest, but they use their power and their voice to make a change within the community and the ones who started the problem. If politicians/public historians act out uncivilly, they will most likely lose their authority with many groups of people.To retain information they have to be neutral/recognizable to gain history/information.



Levels of Political engagement 

In public history there really isn’t a certain amount/level you should Be engaged.You should just actively be persistent in  coming up with new ideas or seeking information.The job of a public historian is never over. Public history is involved in the community/ and their politics.As the public historian you need to consider the political context of what happening so you can relay your message thoroughly and find information more accessible.The article says “The task of the historian in (difficult) situations may be more to create safe spaces for local dialogue about history and for the collection of memories, and to ensure that various voices are heard in those spaces.”(Murphy & Owens,pg141) So, without any engagement with politics you won’t be an effective public historian.


Murphy, Brian, and Owens, Katie.Public History in the Age of Insurrection, confronting White Rage in Red States.Aug 2022.
