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Shared Authority
What is Shared Authority?
By definition, public authority is when a person has power and acts on behalf of others much like a government agency. Public authority is given to anyone who wants to research further than the minimum. Public authority consists of Outside Research, these are the people who make up public authority. So,” when historians conduct research and produce interpretations that challenge deeply held beliefs about the past, public history is uniquely political (Denise D. Meringlo,pg1).”These Historians would be classified as public history historians and they use their public authority to spread history through diverse groups of people. A public authority isn’t an organization’s persay but it’s just the concept of having people in power willing to do anything it takes to help the public regain their knowledge of historical matters/events.
Impacts & connections
A public authority can play many roles in people’s lives, after reading “Passionate Histories by Benjamin Filene you’re going to have an understanding of the impact and connections public authority has. Public Authority gives people called “Outsiders(Benjamin Filene,pg2)” the power to explore the lost history that has personal importance to a group of people. For example, Museums include a lot of history, but according to the reading “Perhaps the problem isn’t with “them,” the public, but with “us,” the museums(Benjamin Filene, Pg2).”People don’t seem to want to visit these historical places because their history isn’t being displayed, there isn’t relatable history. Public authority allows people to still partake in museums because these Outside researchers are determined to find history that can relate to and benefit people. Public authority impacted groups of people to not give up on their history.”Another way that outsider histories personalize the past is to link stories to the everyday world around us, to place history where we live (Benjamin Filene,pg7). People started to draw connections to history due to their surroundings. Seeing landmarks in community groups brings the community together, and sparks a conversation about their history. Lastly, public authority ties into something called “passionate history.”Professional historians think that personal history stories and relatable history won’t go far in the public eye, but Outside “values of family, place, voice, and time travel butts up against core principles of traditional historians(Benjamin pg,9)”.Traditional historians are losing sight that many people don’t even care to indulge in the past; but the outside researchers who make up public authority are bringing mysteries to an end, growing communities, and getting people back active.

The image shows a Historical museum. You see people gathering in their community space.
My Takeaway
My takeaway on public authority is that it is a good concept that has come along. I love the idea that it allows people to receive information that has been lost or overlooked. From personal experience, I couldn’t even relate to museums because, half the time, those are not the answers I’m seeking, or the information does not relate to me. These Outside researchers are opening new doors to history.
Filene, Benjamin. “Passionate Histories: “Outsider” History-Makers and What They Teach Us.”1-10.
Meringolo, Denise, D. “Radical Roots.”1-3
February 1, 2025 @ 6:10 pm
This is a nicely decorated post! I loved how you gave a clear answer as to what shared authority is instead of starting your definition with filler.